Field Prophet app
Click the link below for a special offer to try the iPhone app with disease risk prediction for tar pot on corn, white mold on soybean, and dollar spot on turf grass.
Why should I pay to use the Field Prophet app? Because you will likely get your money back in more bushels per acre at harvest, or reduced fungicide cost in season. If Field Prophet saves you even 1 bushel per acre, you will have paid for the app many times over. Or if the app saves you from paying for an application because infection risk remains low, you will have paid for the app many times over. And kept chemicals out of the environment and resistance cycle.
The purpose of Field Prophet is to assist in making management decisions about current or impending disease pressure caused by weather conditions. Models used in the app predict the risk of specific diseases occurring by using statistical models for user-selected dates. Our app displays a 7-day trend graph. You can change the calendar date to look a week ahead. Or look into the past and see when high risk occurred, or if it occurred at all.
How accurate is the Field Prophet app? Short answer: Stunningly accurate! Our customers tell us over and over that the models predicted the correct risk even when it goes against what they perceived as the threat. Maybe they thought it had been too hot, but the models found just enough moisture in the past to raise the risk. Field Prophet uses the newest research from the best minds in the science of plant pathology. And the models are constantly being updated with new field data. When data shows an adjustment is needed to become more accurate, everyone benefits from the changes.
Field Risk List
Every time you open the Field Prophet app, the Field Risk List automatically updates the risk values for the current date, regardless of whether the crop is at a susceptible stage for disease development or if fungicide has already been applied. The risk values displayed in the Field Risk List are based on local weather conditions and the statistical models and do not account for crop growth stages. Each field in the list also has a more detailed screen you can view by tapping on a field name. In this view you can get a more predictive risk that accounts for susceptible growth stages or current protection by fungicide. You can edit the Field Risk List by swiping to delete fields you no longer need.
The Field Detail screen is different for each disease risk model you chose when you named the field and location.
If Field Prophet predicts High risk (a red indication is displayed) at the GPS location of interest and a fungicide application would be recommended. High risk scenarios can develop quickly.
If a field receives a high risk prediction using Field Prophet, we recommend consulting your local consultants or university agents for the best fungicide management options in your area.
If Field Prophet predicts Medium risk (yellow indication in displayed), consult Field Prophet again over the next few days to monitor the situation. High risk scenarios can develop quickly.
If Field Prophet predicts Low risk (blue indication in the display), disease development is not likely. However, Field Prophet should be consulted again regularly to monitor the situation. When Field Prophet indicates 0% or Inactive, disease development is not likely at that time.
White Mold – Soybean
The risk predictions are made when you indicate that at least one soybean flower is present. Generally, the optimum time to run this risk tool is between flowering and beginning pod (R1-R3 growth stages), however, flowers can be present even into full pod (R4 growth stage) on some varieties in some environments.
The action threshold defaults to a research-based appropriate level for each variation of the model that you set when the field was added to your list. The default threshold can be moved but remember that moving this threshold impacts when the risk tool indicates that the development of disease is likely. The thresholds should be left at the default level unless you have a very good reason to adjust, such as detailed history that can help you make the correct adjustment.
For soybeans planted to 30″ or wider rows, sufficient canopy closure is needed for the formation of apothecia (small mushroom-like structure necessary for white mold to develop). Roughly 40% closure between rows is required for apothecia to develop. The risk predictions are only made when canopy closure of 40% or more (Over threshold) has been selected in the app. Pictures in the app will guide this choice. If planting using row-spacing narrower than 30″, then choose 15″ row-spacing when you set up your field.
The calendar defaults to the present date. Choose any day before this date to run historical risk calculations. You can also choose one to seven days in the future; but be aware such forecasts are less accurate due to rapid changes in weather. Also, the risk tools only run when the app can connect to the internet and download weather for the field’s GPS location.
The History detail screen that will show a history of past risk results and will create an email containing the risk forecast(s) for a field that can be shared for further record keeping or management.
Tar Spot – Corn
The risk predictions are made when you indicate that no fungicide has been applied in the last 14 days AND the crop is between the V8 (8 merged leaves) and R4 (kernels have a doughy center) growth stages.
The action threshold defaults to a research-based appropriate level. The default threshold can be moved but remember that moving this threshold impacts when the risk tool indicates that the development of disease is likely. The thresholds should be left at the default level unless you have a very good reason to adjust, such as detailed history that can help you make the correct adjustment.
If a field is irrigated, the total amount of supplemental water can be added by entering that number for the last 14-day period, prior to running the risk prediction.
The calendar defaults to the present date. Choose any day before this date to run historical risk calculations. You can also choose one to seven days in the future; but be aware such forecasts are less accurate due to rapid changes in weather. Also, the risk tools only run when the app can connect to the internet and download weather for the field’s GPS location.
Dollar Spot – Turf grass
It is up to the user to determine if fungicide protection is sufficient. The risk tool will automatically adjust the weather-condition risk based on the user input and date.
The action threshold defaults to a research-based appropriate level. The default threshold can be moved but remember that moving this threshold impacts when the risk tool indicates that the development of disease is likely. The thresholds should be left at the default level unless you have a very good reason to adjust, such as detailed history that can help you make the correct adjustment.
The calendar defaults to the present date. Choose any day before this date to run historical risk calculations. You can also choose one to seven days in the future; but be aware such forecasts are less accurate due to rapid changes in weather. Also, the risk tools only run when the app can connect to the internet and download weather for the field’s GPS location.
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